If you’re considering beginning dog protection training, get in touch with knowledgeable dog trainers for proper guidance. The process of…
Browsing: Did you know
Do you know how long can dogs safely go without food? To understand more about how long can dogs go…
Can dogs eat plantains? Are you a plantain lover and you wonder if your dog can eat plantains? For those…
Senior dog pancreatitis is a common diagnose in dogs. Do you have a sweet senior dog at home with pancreas…
Should I put my dog down if he has pancreatitis? Euthanasia of a pet is a tricky choice, and it should…
Shih Tzu shedding – do they shed and how to stop the shedding? These are two questions we’ll answer in…
Boerboels or the South African Mastiffs (pronounced Boo-errr-bull: you need to need to be able to role the “R”) is…
As our summers become longer and hotter, the problem of making sure our dogs aren’t getting too hot becomes more…
Can dogs eat papaya? Papaya is an acquired taste, it’s definitely not for everyone because of its distinctive flavor, but…
Let’s take a look at the best guard dogs for apartments… When we think about guard dogs, certain breeds instantly…